Why not buy a package if you are a frequent user? Booking fee for Studio A can go as low as HK$280 an hour and HK$200 for Studio B!
5/6 hours
9/10 hours
18/20 hours
27/30 hours
5% discount
10% discount
15% discount
20% discount
2 month
3 months
5 months
8 months
All packages are for a specific session length time (either 1 hour or 1.5 hours) and time period (either peak or non-peak) only. A package cannot be used to book session of a different length or time period (e.g. a 1 hour peak hour package cannot be used to book 1.5 hours non-peak sessions).
All packages will expire on the expiry date, and any unused credit upon expiry will not be refunded.
If you purchase a peak hour package, you can use it for non-peak hour booking also.
Our booking system will be closed 9 hours in advance. For any urgent bookings, you can WhatsApp us at 9226-1059 for inquiries
Book Online
Non Peak
Studio A (750 sq. ft)
Studio B (480 sq. ft)
Non-Peak hour
Monday to Friday (7a.m. - 5p.m.) and Saturday and Sunday (7a.m. - 10a.m. and 6p.m. - 12a.m.)
Peak hour
Monday to Friday (5p.m. - 12a.m.) and Saturday and Sunday (10a.m. - 6p.m.)